Committed to Sustainable Harvesting

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In 2022, Parceval completed two important sustainability audits. The first was a FairWild audit, where certification was achieved for an external supply chain for a wild harvested species from the Eastern Cape. The second was a comprehensive audit conducted at Parceval’s farm, Waterkloof, for a range of medicinal plants...
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Life & Energy on Waterkloof

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With the arrival of our winter rains, the plant world has been thriving on Waterkloof. To further encourage this growth, the Waterkloof team prepared two biodynamic preparations, BD500 and CPP, for spraying on the fields. These preparations both work on the health and fertility of the soil and encourage...
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Gaining & Sharing Knowledge on Waterkloof

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Waterkloof has emerged from winter full of life and already has been active; implementing further biodynamic practices, welcoming visitors, gaining and sharing knowledge. Biodynamic practices deepened Not only has Waterkloof been re-energised by the winter rains, but in July we also had the pleasure of welcoming Hans Supenkaemper back...
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Biodynamics on Waterkloof Farm

Parceval had the pleasure of hosting Hans Supenkämper from the company WALA Heilmittel GmbH, who spent some time on Waterkloof sharing his valuable knowledge on biodynamic farming. During those two days, the Waterkloof team partook in a composting workshop and made a biodynamic preparation for the fields. Composting workshop...
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