Completion of BioInnovation Africa Projects
In 2020 Parceval received funding through the BioInnovation Africa programme to develop supply chains and new products from indigenous African resources along with identified European partners. The funding was provided by the German BMZ and was implemented by the GIZ. The resources supported by grants were Resource X (a proprietary product being developed for the pharmaceutical industry), Cyclopia and Essential Oils species in South Africa and Namibia. Parceval was also the recipient of 2 sub-grants for Buchu and Marula. These projects were completed in 2022, most achieved all of their aims, while some were not able to achieve every objective fully.
Our achievements can be summarised as follows:
- Resource X – comprehensive resource assessment on the resource completed, nursery developed in access community, 1000 Resource X trees planted in 2 communities for better access, successful extract development and scale up trials took place, commercial cultivation trial plots established – key learnings about the resource in the wild and its cultivation have been garnered.
- Cyclopia – discovery phase export permit obtained, 2 new extract products developed by international partners, new supply chain established for 2 Cyclopia species, 4 applicant companies negotiating benefit sharing with the San and Khoisan councils for commercialisation of the products.
- South African essential oils – a selection of new potential essential oil species were collected, distilled and analysed for oil yields and volatile components, 3 oils were selected by perfumists for potential interest and preliminary cultivation trials were conducted. A matrix has been developed that highlights various aspects of the oils as well as costs, detailed monographs were compiled and a blueprint exists for any producers interested in these novel oils. At present the real market potential and interest is unclear.
- Namibia essential oils – a selection of new potential essential oil species were collected, distilled and analysed for oil yields and volatile components, none of the oils were selected by perfumists for potential interest and, in addition, trial harvests indicated the cost of the oils would be misaligned with the market value. A matrix has been developed that highlights various aspects of the oils as well as costs, detailed monographs were compiled and a blueprint exists for any producers interested in these novel oils. At present there is no real market potential with the customers that were identified.
- Marula – 2 new bio-based products from Marula by-product developed, access and benefit sharing permits obtained, 3 hectares of Marula trees planted, video on cultivation produced and disseminated. We are currently establishing the market intent and real interest of the partner to do further processing trials, cultivation and scale up production.
- Buchu – a new Buchu Association was formed, introduction between the Association and TK holders took place with facilitation by the DFFE and negotiations have reached an advanced stage where both a monetary and a non-monetary benefit sharing mechanism are being considered by all Parties. An industry wide agreement has not yet been achieved, yet much progress has been made on the way to this goal.