The Queens of QC

Magdalene (Maggie) Dampies and Levina Solomons are the queens of Quality Control (QC) at Parceval. With 22 years at the company, of which 17 have been in QC for Maggie and 14 years for Levina, their hands-on knowledge is unparalleled. “With Maggie’s attention to detail and experience, I can...
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Starting the BioInnovation Africa Projects

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At the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020 Parceval, together with various partners, put forward several projects to BioInnovation Africa. BioInnovation Africa, commissioned by the BMZ within the context of the German Marshall Plan with Africa, supports the African and European private sector in developing mutually beneficial business...
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It Takes a (Global) Village

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“He could not stop smiling and touching things because he could now see.”  “He is full of beans again and so interested in the world around him. He constantly asks questions about everything as the world has again opened up to him with being able to see.” These are...
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BioInnovation Africa Projects

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In December 2019 Parceval responded to a call for Expressions of Interest from BioInnovation Africa. BioInnovation Africa, commissioned by the BMZ within the context of the German Marshall Plan with Africa, supports the African and European private sector in developing mutually beneficial business partnerships based on high ethical, social...
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Gaining & Sharing Knowledge on Waterkloof

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Waterkloof has emerged from winter full of life and already has been active; implementing further biodynamic practices, welcoming visitors, gaining and sharing knowledge. Biodynamic practices deepened Not only has Waterkloof been re-energised by the winter rains, but in July we also had the pleasure of welcoming Hans Supenkaemper back...
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Running for Ekuphumleni & Education

It’s another year, and it’s another Africa Run in which Samara Foundation and Parceval are participating. The recipient this year is also closer to home: Ekuphumleni High School in Whittlesea, Eastern Cape. This is Samara’s stomping ground and Parceval and the Foundation were closely involved in the selection process...
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Changing Climate, Changing Times

As every year recorded is hotter than the last, Parceval is also beginning to feel the effects of our changing weather and climate patterns. Not only is the Western Cape, which Parceval calls home, in a severe drought, but some of our partners and supply chains are also feeling...
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